I think the sessions are brilliant. My children have really grown in their confidence about the outdoors. When we go on walks they educate the family about the flora and fauna, what is poisonous, which flower pops open when you touch it. This is really heart warming and a joy to see… Each time they learn something they always want to do the same at home. They have made me camp in the garden with them. Last week we had a barbecue and guess what? Smores and dampers were on the menu! I really love that you do some building at your forest school because my children love to build and I hope you will have more hands on building projects and probably an opportunity to camp too! I also like the awareness you build in them about being God’s caretakers on earth. They really do feel responsible of their environment. We litter pick. I will definitely recommend these sessions!

Mrs L. A., Parent


[My son] has benefitted from these sessions immensely, he has learnt so much in such a short space of time. I notice when we go for walks in woodland areas he is always pointing out things he has learnt from these sessions, identifying plants and trees, talking about how he can make things from twigs and wood and educating us about the animals and birds he sees in forest school. [My son] had no knowledge about nature prior to these sessions and now someone speaking to him would assume he is an expert! On top of that he thoroughly enjoys it and has become so much more caring of his natural surroundings and taking an interest in nature.

Mrs M. D., Parent


I have enjoyed and benefitted from the sessions. I have learnt how to light fires. I have learnt the names of some Fauna like, Robin, Swan, Damsel fly, Badger. I have enjoyed cleaning up the secret garden which we have kept for conservation. We have noticed some foxes and their cubs have moved in. This is interesting because we have noticed poo samples everywhere. I have learnt some flora names too, like sticky weed, blackberry, Elderflower, Dog rose, bind-weed and dog-wood. OITW has taught us not to touch plants like snowberry bush or white sap because they might be poisonous. I also enjoyed making the pizza oven and more than that cooking pizza, smores and dampers. I would recommend my forest school sessions because they are fun and “LEARNINGFUL.”

Sarah, 9-years-old


My favourite sessions in forest school are when we go hiking and when we cook outdoors on the pizza oven that we made ourselves. I have learnt a lot about plants and bugs. This forest school is the best forest school I have ever been to.     

Haleema, 9-years-old


I enjoy the sessions and benefit immensely. I have learnt how to build a pizza oven, light a fire, learnt about different insects like the difference between a Dragon fly and Damsel fly! I learnt that dry wood and dead wood that snaps, are good for lighting fires. I would definitely recommend OITW to someone else because I think these skills are essential!

Ibrahim, 9-years-old


I have learnt life skills like starting fires and chopping wood. I have learnt to do teamwork and other things. I think what I’ve enjoyed the most is the cooking skills. I went on hikes, rambles and learnt how to identify dangerous plants and safe ones.     

Ubayd, 13-years-old


My children joined Out in the Wild a year ago and they have learned so much. I could not have asked for a better place to send my children to increase in their knowledge of the outdoors and grow in confidence. The instructor is very knowledgeable and selflessly shares what must have taken years to master. I especially like the fact that the children are taught to connect with their surroundings.

Mr A.M., Parent


Out in the wild sessions have been fantastic for my daughter especially after lockdown. She comes out of each session feeling totally satisfied with a real sense of accomplishment like she really accomplished something today. Being outdoors in the fresh air, learning about her surroundings and developing new skills has really boosted her confidence. I love how when we are out and about, she will spot something and then tell me all about something she learnt at forest school…forest school has given her a safe outlet to explore her natural surroundings and reconnect with the earth.

Mrs H.A., Parent


[My son] absolutely likes and enjoys the sessions and I am pleased with his activities with you… [my daughter] would love to come as well and can’t wait to be old enough to attend.

Mrs M.K., Parent